jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025

Lectura, De niñas a LEYENDAS

Os recomendamos para estos días una lectura más que interesante y enriquecedora.

Este libro es un primer manual de igualdad de oportunidades. Las mujeres deportistas todavía no salimos como deberíamos en las ventanas deportivas y culturales de nuestro país. Visibilizarnos y conocer nuestras historias personales y deportivas es fundamental para crear referencia y alcanzar un mundo igualitario, donde mujeres y hombres juguemos con las mismas reglas y oportunidades. De esta forma sumaremos nuestras capacidades para conformar una sociedad más preparada para el futuro.

El deporte no entiende de sexo, ni de edad, raza, situación económica, orientación sexual... ya que a través de sus valores nos permite a todas luchar por nuestras metas y conseguirlas. Es la sociedad, no la modalidad deportiva, la que crea la desigualdad y las barreras que nosotras tenemos que superar. Y la mejor arma para combatirla es creando referentes desde la infancia para saber que se puede. Yo practico esgrima y no por casualidad; una espada es un objeto muy contundente que cuando la levantas te dice: “lucha por tus sueños” y da igual si son difíciles porque cuanto más grande es la batalla mayor será la victoria cuando la logres.
                                                              Gema Victoria Hassen-Bey González                     


Continuando con los juegos del mundo que estábamos trabajando, os paso una ficha para que la rellenéis con algún juego (no deportes) de cualquier parte del mundo. Para ello podéis hablar con vuestro padre, madre, abuelos, tíos.... en persona o por video llamada, buscarlo en google...

Ficha juegos del mundo (pincha aquí)

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2025

Alternative Sport, KIN-BALL


Kin-Ball, is a team sport created in Quebec, Canada in 1986. Invented by Mario Demers, a Canadian physical-education professor, Kin-Ball was first created to get kids moving and is now played around the world by people of all ages. It’s a fast-paced, interactive sport that engages a wide range of skills, while promoting physical activity, sportsmanship, and teamwork. It’s a sport for everyone, where teams achieve success only by working together.

The sport is unique in that it consists of three teams all competing at the same time, instead of the usual one-on-one of traditional team activities. The three teams of four players wear different colours to identify who’s on which team.

Teamwork and strategy are essential as players try to score points while trying to keep the giant ultra-light ball in the air. The server must call out “Omnikin!” and the colour of an opposite team (blue, grey, or black) before hitting the ball.

The aim is to throw the ball in such a way that the team called out cannot catch the ball before it touches the ground. If it falls, the two opposing teams score a point.

Cooperation, accessibility, and sportsmanship are at the core of the sport.


Visual thinking:


miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025

Campeonato escolar de campo a través Comunidad de Madrid 2025.

Estupenda actuación de nuestros pequeñ@s pero grandes atletas, en el campeonato de campo a través de la Comunidad de Madrid. 
Han mostrado una gran deportividad, pundonor, lucha... mientras disfrutaban haciendo deporte. 
Sois muy grandes y, una vez más lo habéis demostrado, corriendo en algún caso descalzos toda la prueba, enhorabuena a tod@s.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2024

VOLLEYBALL. Are you ready?

Game played by two teams, usually of six players on a side, in which the players use their hands to bat a ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball touch the court within the opponents’ playing area before it can be returned. To prevent this a player on the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the court surface—that teammate may then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it across the net. A team is allowed only three touches of the ball before it must be returned over the net.


Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was designed as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of basketball too vigorous. Morgan called the sport “mintonette,” until a professor from Springfield College in Massachusetts noted the volleying nature of play and proposed the name of “volleyball.” The original rules were written by Morgan and printed in the first edition of the Official Handbook of the Athletic League of the Young Men’s Christian Associations of North America (1897). The game soon proved to have wide appeal for both sexes in schools, playgrounds, the armed forces, and other organizations in the United States, and it was subsequently introduced to other countries.

In 1916 rules were issued jointly by the YMCA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The first nationwide tournament in the United States was conducted by the National YMCA Physical Education Committee in New York City in 1922. The United States Volleyball Association (USVBA) was formed in 1928 and recognized as the rules-making, governing body in the United States. From 1928 the USVBA—now known as USA Volleyball (USAV)—has conducted annual national men’s and senior men’s (age 35 and older) volleyball championships, except during 1944 and 1945. Its women’s division was started in 1949, and a senior women’s division (age 30 and older) was added in 1977. Other national events in the United States are conducted by member groups of the USAV such as the YMCA and the NCAA.

Volleyball was introduced into Europe by American troops during World War I, when national organizations were formed. The Fédération Internationale de Volley Ball (FIVB) was organized in Paris in 1947 and moved to LausanneSwitzerland, in 1984. The USVBA was one of the 13 charter members of the FIVB, whose membership grew to more than 210 member countries by the late 20th century.

International volleyball competition began in 1913 with the first Far East Games, in Manila. During the early 1900s and continuing until after World War II, volleyball in Asia was played on a larger court, with a lower net, and nine players on a team.

If you want to know more about VOLLEYBALL RULES, watch this video.




 - Setting is the most important and technical skill in volleyball after passing.
 - Setting is playing the ball with your hands overhead. 
 - It cannot be carried or double contacted. They are both illegal. 
 - Put your hands on your hips like you are upset with me, keep your hands in the same possition and put them over your forehead. 
 - When the ball hits your wrists, it flexes them in slightly and you press them out with a super man or super woman finish. 



 - You should wait with one of your foot forward, and your hands in a neutral “ready” position. 
 - As the balls comes, your hands go towards the ball and clasp them together. 
 - Put one hand flat in the other, thumbs parallel and pointing down. 
 - Get arms straight and platform perfect. 
 - Legs are bend, as the ball comes is a slight move forward withe the hips. 
 - Don’t swing arms very much. 






jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2024

Caminando por la naturaleza.

 Empezamos nuestro paseo con frío y humedad por la niebla que nos envolvía, pero ésta no detendría nuestra curiosidad y ganas de seguir adelante con más preguntas.

Cuando salimos del aula y después de reponer fuerzas antes de nuestro paseo, el sol se empezó a abrir paso entre la niebla para dejarnos un soleado día de otoño y, poder disfrutar de un entorno privilegiado a pocos minutos de Madrid.

Hemos aprendido curiosidades de la flora y fauna del ecosistema mediterraneo, orientación, cambio climático... En este vídeo os podéis hacer una idea.